That's why Exempli Gratia is here. We know the time and energy it takes to run a business and develop a strong brand behind that business. We're here to help take that brand building off your plate. With a strong brand identity and strategy, making decisions and creating cohesive content becomes so much easier for you. You'll be able to spend more time with your team and customers, more time in your community confidently showcasing your brand, and more time on the things you love. 

We know that you don’t have time to figure out what tone of voice you should use on your social posts when you need to make your employee's schedule.

We know that you don’t love the way your logo was squished in your last feature as an event sponsor, but you're too busy working on your inventory order to fix it.

We know how frustrating it is to struggle communicating your vision to your team because you've got to focus on looking for the next partnership that will highlight your business in the community.

Big companies have entire teams dedicated to developing and nurturing every function of the business. As a small business owner, oftentimes all of that work sits on the desk of a singular person, you.

The smooth touch of a new iPhone box. Hearing "My Pleasure" at the Chick-Fil-A drive thru. Double Star Days at Starbucks. What do these things have in common? They are all expressions of a brand strategy.

These examples serve as a clarion call to businesses worldwide: brand strategy is not a mere afterthought—it's the cornerstone of greatness. It's the art of sculpting perceptions, shaping destinies, and leaving an indelible mark on your industry. In a world saturated with choices and fleeting fads, a well-crafted brand strategy is the North Star that guides companies through the tumultuous seas of change, anchoring them to their core values and propelling them towards enduring success.

About Us

Emily, founder

Meet the Brain Behind the Business